Accommodation regulations for HOSTEL

Valid from 1st July 2023

Arrival – Rights and obligations

  1. The guest is obliged to comply with the TVM TOWER accommodation rules
  2. Every guest, without exception, must be duly registered at the reception in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Act No. 110/2019 Coll.
  3. The guest is obliged to behave in accordance with the general rules of decent behaviour and conduct.

During the stay

  1. Upon check-in, the guest will receive an entry card and locker key against a deposit of €10 / 250 CZK
  2. When leaving the room, the guest is obliged to turn off the lights, check that the water taps are closed, disconnect/turn off private electrical appliances and close the apartment door behind them. During the stay, the guest will keep the entrance card with him and hand it over to a TVM TOWER employee at the reception at check-out.
  3. The guest is obliged to observe night silence between 10:00 p.m. and 07:00 a.m.
  4. Between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., the accommodation provider reserves the right to perform regular cleaning of the hostel premises and rooms.
  5. Guests in dormitory rooms are obliged to lock their valuables in lockers, especially when leaving the room and when sleeping. The hostel is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  6. We ask guests to keep the common areas of the shared rooms tidy. Guests are not allowed to leave personal items on tables or shelves that are not exclusively intended for their use.
  7. Guests move around the rooms and sleeping floors, their stairs, as well as in all other areas of TVM TOWER voluntarily and at their own risk. TVM TOWER bears no responsibility for possible injuries to guests, and the guest is not entitled to claim subsequent compensation from TVM TOWER.
  8. Guests have free internet access via the Wi-Fi network. However, any illegal activity using our internet connection is strictly prohibited.
  9. In the event of a defect in the room, hall or bathroom and toilet, as well as damage to the equipment of the room, hall, bathroom or toilet, the guest is obliged to report this immediately to the hotel reception. In the event of non-compliance, TVM TOWER has the option to claim compensation for damaged parts and room equipment.
  10. Every guest is obliged to become familiar with the fire code and alarm guidelines and to follow them in case of danger.

Problem solving

  1. The TVM TOWER reception staff have the right not to admit persons under the influence of alcohol who violate public order or the rules of the accommodation facility into the hostel room. At the same time, they have the right to expel the guest from the accommodation for the same reason. If capacity allows, guests can be offered a private room for an additional fee.
  2. It is prohibited to damage or destroy the equipment of the rooms and the premises of the hostel. The guest is responsible for any damage to property and equipment that they cause during their stay. The guest is obliged to pay compensation for the damage immediately in a proportionate amount, unless they can prove that they were not at fault.
  3. In the case of gross and extraordinary contamination of the room and its other parts, the guest is obliged to pay the costs associated with cleaning, or bringing it back to normal, in the full amount of the usual costs. The minimum amount of costs for extraordinary cleaning is €50 or 1 000 CZK.
  4. For gross violations of these house rules, TVM TOWER reserves the right to terminate the guests’ stay prematurely and without compensation with immediate effect.
  5. The accommodation provider bears no responsibility for damage caused to the client’s property or their theft in freely accessible parts of the hostel. The hostel is also not responsible for jewellery, money and other valuables.


  1. The use of narcotic substances is strictly prohibited throughout the premises.
  2. In the room and on the premises of the hotel, the guest may not move equipment, perform any interventions in the electrical network or other installations without the consent of a TVM TOWER employee.
  3. It is strictly forbidden for non-accommodated persons to enter the TVM TOWER building without prior agreement with a TVM TOWER employee..
  4. Guests are not allowed to use any of their own electrical appliances with the exception of hair dryers, shavers, mobile phone or laptop chargers.
  5. It is prohibited to make and use open fire in the entire TVM TOWER building.
  6. The guest is obliged to observe the strict prohibition of smoking in all areas of TVM TOWER. In case of violation of the prohibition, the guest is obliged to pay a fine of €50 or CZK 1 000 CZK and TVM TOWER has the right to cancel his stay without compensation with immediate effect.

Check out

  1. On the day of the end of the contracted stay, the guest is obliged to check out at the reception, return all borrowed entry cards and keys and vacate the room no later than 10:00 in the morning. If they do not do so, the hotel is entitled to charge them for the next day’s stay.
  2. After the end of the stay, the client is obliged to hand over the room in the condition in which they entered it.